owen lucas

poetry, fiction and translation

Month: July, 2013

Vector Press Issue 2

The second issue of Vector Press is available to pre-order, and it contains three poems I wrote last year. Like a lot of what I was writing at the time, they use a lot of pastoral imagery. Genießen Sie!

Burningword Issue 67

I have three poems in the latest issue of Burningword. The first is based on a Sérusier still-life, the second on a painting of a rabbi by Marc Chagall. The third is my translation of a Rimbaud sonnet about Ophelia. You can pick up a digital or physical copy here.

Issue 67, July 2013

Whisperings Vol. 2 Issue 2

The summer issue of Whisperings is out, containing the next eight poems in their current serialisation of Afterworks. The poems in this set are based on paintings by Cézanne, Picasso, Sérusier, Toulouse-Lautrec and others. See Magcloud to view the whole issue online, download it as a free PDF, or order a print copy.


Circa Issue 9

Circa just put out their summer issue, containing three of my poems: shazam. The first is a translation of Rimbaud’s “Le Dormeur du val”, the second a piece I wrote after watching John Cassavetes’ The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, and the third a little sketch of our old French-Canadian landlord. More to come in the next couple of days!
